
This section explains the UMA subgraph and how to interact with it. The UMA subgraph indexes data from UMA contracts over time. It organizes data about tokenholders, contracts, DVM requests, voting, and more. The subgraph updates for each UMA contract interaction. The subgraph runs on The Graph protocol’s hosted service and can be openly queried.

UMA has a GraphQL API Endpoint hosted by The Graph called a subgraph for indexing and organizing data from the smart contracts. The schema of GraphQL elements available is defined in the subgraphs repo .

Ethereum Mainnet

Creating an API Key Video Tutorial

  • Graphql Endpoint:[api-key]/subgraphs/id//41LCrgtCNBQyDiVVyZEuPxbvkBH9BxxLU3nEZst77V8o

Querying from an Application

Managing your API Key & Setting your indexer preferences


LSP Subgraphs

EMP Subgraphs (includes query for whitelisted collateral)

Voting Subgraphs

Here is the source code for deployed subgraphs.

Making Queries

To learn more about querying a subgraph refer to The Graph’s documentation.

Last updated